

2023年度 大阪公立大学 物理・NITEP・アトムの会共催 談話会


Speaker:Prof. Giulia Semeghini (Harvard)

Title:Programmable atom arrays: a new frontier in quantum science and engineering

Date:2023年9月25日(Mon)15:00 -
Place:大阪公立大学 杉本キャンパス 理学部会議室

A broad effort is currently underway to develop quantum machines that can outperform their classical counterparts and take advantage of the powerful properties of quantum mechanics to reach unprecedented frontiers in computation, communication, sensing and metrology. Arrays of single neutral atoms trapped in optical tweezers have recently entered the scene as a potential practical realization of this ambitious goal. In this talk, I will introduce recent results where this platform has been used to realize an elusive state of matter, the so-called quantum spin liquid,  and to develop a new architecture for quantum information processing with non-local and reconfigurable connectivity between the qubits. Combining these results with novel technical tools on atom array platforms could open a broad range of possibilities for the exploration of entangled matter, with powerful applications in quantum simulation and information.


Contact:Shin Inouye <>