

Date : 2024/9/30 16:45 -- 18:15
Place : 中百舌鳥キャンパス A13-228(講義室A)

Lecturer : Chandrashekar Radhakrishnan (New York University, Shanghai, China, Visiting Associate Professor)

Title : An exposition on quantum resource theory

Abstract : 
Quantum systems have unique properties which arise due to the wave particle duality.  In recent times there is considerable interest in using these properties to gain technological advantage, a feature commonly referred to as quantum advantage.  In my talk I will give an overview of the quantum resource theory and explain it in the context of entanglement, quantum coherence and discord.  I will discuss some of the well-known measures of these quantities.  Finally, I will briefly explain quantum magic the resource needed for quantum computation.

References :
1. E. Chitambar and G. Gour, Rev. Mod. Phys. 91, 025001 (2019)
2. R. Chandrashekar, P. Manikandan, J. Segar and T. Byrnes, Phys. Rev. Lett 116, 150504 (2016)
3. R. Chandrashekar, M. Lauriere and T. Brynes, Phys. Rev. Lett 124, 110401 (2020) "

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