NITEP Theoretical Physics Seminar Series

4D Chern-Simons theory with auxiliary fields


Date: December 19 (Thu), 17:30 (JST)
Speaker: Kentaroh Yoshida (Saitama University)

Title: 4D Chern-Simons theory with auxiliary fields

Recently, an integrable deformation of the primal chiral model using auxiliary fields,
called the auxiliary field sigma model (AFSM), was proposed by C. Ferko and L. Smith [arXiv:2405.05899 [hep-th]]. This integrable deformation includes arbitrary functions, and depending on how they are chosen, TTbar deformation and root TTbar deformation can also be described.

In this talk, I will talk about the extension of 4D Chern-Simons theory, which is expected to be a unified theory of integrable models, by including auxiliary fields so that AFSM can be derived. This talk is based on arXiv2407.02204 [hep-th], a joint work with Osamu Fukushima (RIKEN iTHEMS).