27-29 January 2024
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Local Information


The ground floor (1F) of Media Center (学術情報総合センター1階), Sugimoto Campus, Osaka City University ([11] of Campus map)


You can use restaurants and stores for your lunch:

  1. 野のはなハウス (Restaurant "Nonohana House"), 1st floor of Media Center ([11] of Campus map
    *27th Sat. 10:00-18:00, 29th Mon. 10:00-18:00
  2. 南食堂 (Minami Shokudo; South Cafeteria), Second Student Hall ([22] of Campus map)
    *29th Mon. 11:00-18:30
  3. 北食堂 (Kita Shokudo; North Cafeteria), Main Student Hall ([21] of Campus map)
    *The North Cafeteria is often crowded, so the South Cafeteria is recommended.
    *29th Mon. 10:30-14:00
  4. 和食堂めたせこいあ (Japanese Restaurant "Metasequoia"), Tanaka Memorial Hall ([8] of Campus map)
    *29th Mon. 11:00-15:00
  5. Other restaurants and convenience stores are located in westside of Campus map.


eduroam is available at the venue.

OMU Guest House